Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Use SharePoint Metadata to Improve Search and Control Content

Documents find-ability in the enterprise environment involves navigation through lists of folders and documents or filtered document sets; faceted navigation structures; or parametric and full text search results. There are two mechanisms that are the foundation of these techniques: extracting and indexing the usable text from the document (which may not be even possible in some cases i.e. pictures or videos) and using human manageable metadata to describe documents (that could be auto-populated using the text extracted from the document).

Content control functions include document workflows, security, printing, archival or retention policies, publishing and other mechanisms that enforce proper document capture, authoring, storage, distribution and disposal. To maintain content states and control information, control activities rely on information about the document, which is stored as a part of the metadata. Since control activities tend to vary from organization to organization, so does the metadata associated with them.

In order to improve search, following approaches would help.

Step I: Optimizing SharePoint Architecture to Improve Search and Control Content
Each SharePoint site includes an out-of-the-box content type hierarchy and predefined columns. They define basic columns necessary to describe content. Examples include name and title columns for a document or date and description for calendar events.

Following figure shows columns that are provided with an out-of-the-box SharePoint document library. It includes generic columns like Title or Created By

Next figure shows SharePoint Content Types Gallery with out-of-the-box content types

A common approach to enhance or customize the available set of fields would be to insert additional columns directly into lists and thus collect more information about the content stored there. Furthermore, adding these columns to list views will facilitate navigation through the content and enable the use of parametric search and/or faceted navigation in the list.

An ideal tactic is to identify typical metadata sets, which can be implemented as content types on the site or site collection level, and reused in lists throughout the site hierarchy.

A similar methodology to list design will result in a standard approach to content accumulation and tagging. Lists with the similar columns should be redesigned in a way where these columns are aggregated in content types on a site level and then pushed down back to the lists. These changes will greatly improve faceted navigation, parametric and basic search for all items inherited from the base content type. Inherited content types also allow the use of generic workflows and policies applicable to all such items.

Content types defined on a site level provide an additional opportunity to structure content in lists in a way that will facilitate common search and content control practices. For example, site content types can be reorganized to reflect the structure of a company and its products and services.

In order to do this, similar columns applicable to many content types should be first extracted and moved up to parent content types. These can then be re-organized to reduce duplication, thus forming a corporate hierarchy of the content types. Next, the SharePoint site collection should be redesigned in a way that reflects the hierarchy of the company workgroups with clearly defined policies of how sites on each site hierarchy level can be created and managed.

Finally, content types should be positioned in the appropriate place in a site hierarchy for their intended use. This will promote creation of new sites that will inherit standard corporate metadata models, search and navigation techniques and general workflows.

Step II: Classifying SharePoint Content to Improve Search and Control Content
Document and item find-ability (and most workflows) in SharePoint rely on the actual metadata values associated with the content. Efficient metadata models improve search and navigation processes and enable generic workflows to be applied to content. This, however, will not be realized unless the metadata is reliably populated for all content. A metadata model needs to achieve a fine balance between not enough metadata to make the content “find-able”; and excessive metadata which adds too much burden to users working with the content.

To encourage accurate and complete entry of metadata, model should simplify the capture of the data for the user.
• Field values could be populated from a pre-defined vocabulary
• Display a hierarchical tree of terms for the user to select from.
• Field values selection could be grouped in cascading relationships

Several approaches are available for assigning metadata to a large number of items that have little or no existing metadata.

 Analyze the text of the document itself and then use an algorithm to extract and assign usable metadata values. Text analytics strategies may be very complex and based on the dictionaries that require separate maintenance and time to learn data patterns and relationships.
 Mass tagging involves filtering a specific set of documents based on a criterion that includes existing metadata and then updating the metadata values for all these items, en masse.

Step III: Enable Content Type Refinement in Search Result page
What you have done in last two steps, needs to get reflected back in search result page and user can get benefit out of the content type and metadata capture process.

Please see the blog a sample process of enrichment.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Office 365 SharePoint Online: Managed Path

Web Application manages a list of managed path. Site Collections created only where a managed path is defined. Site collection has all sites under it in the same Content Database. This is key to how we figure out what database user data is stored in.

Whenever SharePoint receives an 'URL' , the site collection is determined by looking at the list of managed paths for a given Web Application. This means SharePoint has to look at every managed path so try to limit the number of managed paths (<20 is highly recommended).

Office 365 S(Shared) or D(Dedicated) only supports out of the box managed path. i.e. /sites/,/personal/

In order keep the performance high for site querying through browser and search service, this limitation has been imposed.

Note:Key Points for Managed Path
•Managed Paths allow SharePoint to determine what portion of a given URL corresponds to the "site collection URL".
•Managed Paths can be defined per web application (and cannot be defined for host header site collections)
•Managed Paths can be "Explicit" or "Wildcard"
•Explicit Managed Paths allow a single spsite to be created at exactly the given url
•Wildcard Manage Paths allow unlimited spsites to be created under the given url – no spsite can be created at exactly that URL.
•Limit your managed paths to <20 per web application

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Server and Security settings for app to manipulate MOSS

In order to create web application/site collection and manipulate SharePoint programmatically, few things you need to ensure, without these you cannot be successful.

You can develop the program as console app, web app or any kind of service. But make sure

1. The server where the app is running from, should be having SharePoint binary installed and being added in the same farm. If all the servers in the farm is 64 bit make sure the concerned server is also having same OS version installed. If you are adding the server in the farm, it would never find the required SP context and hence web app itself cant be found.

2. Identity should be a domain account

3. Identity with which the app is running it should be having

- The db_owner role for content databases and search databases associated with the Web application
- The identity being used to create a web application / site collection needs to have write access on the configuration database and the SharePoint_AdminContent database.
- Access to read from and write to the associated SSP database.

4. Identity may not be part of farm admin group in order to follow least privilege access.

5. If you are not creating site collection or web app, you can very well use App Pool ID of the web app as an identity. But to keep separate security audit trail, you better use different account.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Activate the feature and add web parts through code

I would provide step by step process to add a web part in the web part gallery for a spcific site and activate the feature to show it in the default.aspx page.

I assume you have created the web part separately and placed it in the GAC and added in the safecontrol.

I am not showing you the whole solution but tell you the important steps and functions so that you can use it in your program.

1. Prepare DWP file through your code and add the webpart file in the web part gallery

public static bool AddWebPartsToGallery(string SiteURL)
bool isSuccess = false; //assume failure

string dwpUserControlContainer = @"" +
"" +
"" +
" Demo Web Part.
" +
"DemWebPart,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=2d5a04d2e0ff8065" +
"DemoWebParts " +
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SiteURL))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList webPartGallery = web.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.WebPartCatalog);
SPFolder folder = webPartGallery.RootFolder;
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
if (folder != null)
folder.Files.Add("DemoWebpart.dwp", dwpUserControlContainer, true);
isSuccess = true;
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
catch (Exception ex)
isSuccess = false;
return isSuccess;

2. Activate your feature and add the web part in the default.aspx

private void ActivateFeature(string SiteU

using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SiteURL))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
System.Globalization.CultureInfo oCultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(1033);
SPFeatureDefinitionCollection collFeatureDefinitions = SPFarm.Local.FeatureDefinitions;
foreach (SPFeatureDefinition oFeatureDefinition in collFeatureDefinitions)
if (oFeatureDefinition.GetTitle(oCultureInfo) == “Your feature name”)
Guid guidFeatureDefinitionID = oFeatureDefinition.Id;

if (oFeatureDefinition.Scope == SPFeatureScope.Site)
SPFeatureCollection collFeatureCollection = site.Features;
SPFeature oFeature = collFeatureCollection.Add(guidFeatureDefinitionID);


private static bool AddToPage(string SiteURL, string dwp)
bool isSuccess = false; //assume failure

using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SiteURL))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPWebPartCollection coll = web.GetWebPartCollection("default.aspx", Storage.Shared);
isSuccess = true;
catch (Exception ex)
isSuccess = false;
return isSuccess;

Friday, April 3, 2009

Creating Subsite programmatically: RunWithElevatedPrivileges context

When you create a sub site with the same context of SPSite, you need to be smart enough to choose your code.

using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(parentSiteURL))
SPWeb parentWeb = siteCollection.OpenWeb();//OPen the parent web

//Start code to get all available web templates
//End code

parentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

SPWeb AssignWeb = parentWeb.Webs.Add(siteURLRequested, siteTitle, "", Convert.ToUInt32(LOCALE_ID_ENGLISH), siteTemplate, false, false);

This code would give Access denied exception. Reason is when you are opening the web, site opening context does not hold good. Even if you put creation of subsite in another RunWithElevatedPrivileges, it wont work as new web would be created with another context. In order to resolve it replace parentWeb.Webs.Add with the following code

SPWeb AssignWeb = siteCollection.AllWebs.Add(siteURLRequested, siteTitle, "", Convert.ToUInt32(LOCALE_ID_ENGLISH), siteTemplate, false, false);

Monday, March 30, 2009

Creating Site Collection in FBA

Using WSS object model to create site collection is not that new but I have come across a scenario of creating site collection in form based authenticated web apps. I hope the following would help you to achieve the same as you need to make certain changes in your client to make it work.

For example, you have a windows service which is running with certain service account which has previelege to create site collection and other objects.

Step 1: Open you web.config of the SharePoint web app. Copy the following section and place it the app.config of your windows service. This is required for windows service to refer the user identity, otherwise it will throw "User not found" exception.

Step 2: In your code use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges carefully. See the following code

SPWebApplication spWebApp = new SPSite("url").WebApplication;
SPSiteCollection spscol = spWebApp.Sites;

SPSite newSiteCollection = spscol.Add("path",
"FBA User",
"FBA User");

SPSite newSiteCollection = new SPSite("url");

SPWeb newSCweb = newSiteCollection.OpenWeb();

newSCweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

//Code to create the custom List
#region Creating Custom List
SPListCollection FLListColl = newSCweb.Lists;

First block of RunWithElevatedPrivileges ends with site creation. Once you try to open the web with same security context, you might face access denied exception. Hence you close the context and create new elevated security context.

I hope with this you are set to go.